La nostra escola ha estat escollida aquest any com a hoste en un programa organitzat pel MIT que promou l'aprenentatge de les STEM (Ciències Aplicades, Tecnologia i Matemàtiques). Aquest programa, que s'anomena MISTI Global Teaching Lab, consisteix en què des del MIT envien un estudiant brillant d'una carrera científica, que imparteix algunes classes en les assignatures científiques que ofereixi l'escola. Nosaltres hem tingut el plaer de comptar amb el Gabriel Valdes, que ha fet classes (en anglès) de Matemàtiques, Física, Química, Tecnologia i Ciències del Món Contemporani a 4t d'ESO, 1r i 2n de Batxillerat. Ens ha deixat el següent missatge per al blog de Matemàtiques explicant la seva experiència a l'Escola Sant Gregori.
My name is Gabriel Valdes and I am in my second-year at MIT studying Mechanical Engineering. I spent the month of January teaching in Escola San Gregori to students in 4t ESO, 1r BATX, and 2n BATX. For Mathematics, I had the tremendous opportunity to teach the amazing students of 4t ESO. We went over the basics of matrix algebra and afterwards learned how to use matrices to solve systems of equations. I then showed them how we use matrices in real-world engineering to solve complex problems of modelling and simulation. Although they may not be able to go ahead and solve the world’s leading problems, I know for sure that they all are at least comfortable with matrices and will recognize them when they use them again later on in their education.
Furthermore, all the 4t ESO students had an intro into permutations and combinations, which is the study of ordering and selecting elements. I was completely taken aback by the ability for these students to learn and grasp difficult concepts! Although sometimes they just nodded and said yes so I would stop talking, all of them were able to understand difficult concepts that were taught to me in the introduction classes at MIT.
Understandably, this month may have been a little rough for the students. It was new material and a new teacher. But if there is at least one thing that I hope they learned, its that they have the ability to learn anything, no matter how hard it appears to be in the beginning. It’s been an honor to teach them. Hope to see them at MIT!
Gabriel Valdes